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Junior (6-8) Group DocumentaryJunior (6-8) Web Site (Individual and Group)
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Senior (9-12) Group ExhibitSenior (9-12) Individual Performance
Senior (9-12) Group PerformanceSenior (9-12) Individual Documentary
Senior (9-12) Group DocumentarySenior (9-12) Web Site (Individual and Group)

Junior (6-8) Paper (Individual only)   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
31021 Kansas City, MO, New Mark Middle School, Julie Goldsberry

Brown vs. Board of Education
Ryan Link
21013 Kirksville, MO, Kirksville Middle School, Susan Hazen

Conflict and Compromise: The Navajo Code Talkers
Michael Doman
11001 Clayton, MO, Wydown Middle School, Janet Baldwin

Cold War, Hot Topics: Conflict, Compromise, and Evolution during the Kennedy Administration
Benedetto Colagiovanni
Junior (6-8) Individual Exhibit   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
31122 Hollister, MO, Hollister Junior High School, Charlene Free

The Bald Knobber: Citizens Committee or Ozark Vigilantes?
Mikayla McGoldrick
21101 Columbia, MO, Columbia Catholic School, Widget Ewing

Lloyd Gaines: Paving the Way to Integrated Schools
Billy Swift
11123 Neosho, MO, Neosho Middle School, Julia Hulley

Led by the Game from Conflict to Compromise
Zachary Aldrich
Junior (6-8) Group Exhibit   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
31227 Clayton, MO, Wydown Middle School, Janet Baldwin

Twin Twain: The Conflict and Compromise Between Samuel Clemens and Mark Twain
Xiayoa Wu
Di Luo
21219 Carthage, MO, Carthage Junior High, Sue Pitts

Religious Conflicts of 1947: Creating India's Compromise
Erin Marston
Janene Inman
11212 Carthage, MO, Carthage Junior High, Kathleen Swift

A Conflict of Bread and Roses: The Lawrence Strike of 1912
Haley Brownfield
Kendace Patterson
Libby Shannon
Junior (6-8) Individual Performance   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
31301 Columbia, MO, Gentry Middle School, Cathy Libey

Golda Meir: A Pursuit for Everlasting Peace in Palestine
Nidhi Khurana
21317 Clayton, MO, Wydown Middle School, Janet Baldwin

Jefferson Davis: Compromise in the Face of Southern Conflict
Gabrielle Lachtrup
11305 Kansas City, MO, Pembroke Hill School, Dan O'Connell

The 1707 Act of Union: Was Scotland Bought and Sold for English Gold?
Patrick Lawhon
Junior (6-8) Group Performance   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
31415 Easton, MO, East Buchanan Middle School C-1, Shawn Purl

Rosie the Riveter: America's Rebel Sweetheart
Melissa Stallbaumer
Christine McCoy
Randol Batts
21407 Gideon, MO, Gideon Junior High, James Breece
Micah Breece

Above and Beyond With Flying Colors
Taylor Robinson
Hannah Moore
Alexa Grissom
11408 Cape Girardeau, MO, Central Junior High School, Emily Goode

Women of the Civil War
Kristyn Sanders
Ellie Kidd
Faith Reynolds
Lizzie Nussbaum
Junior (6-8) Individual Documentary   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
31510 Kansas City, MO, New Mark Middle School, Julie Goldsberry

Tulsa Race Riot of 1921
Mitchell Leippert
21521 Clayton, MO, Wydown Middle School, Janet Baldwin

The Little Rock Nine: A Struggle for Integration
Jocelyn Lee
11505 Risco, MO, Risco R-2 Schools, Michael Murphy
Kim Powell
Casey Lewis
Melanie Tipton

"To Gaze Idly at a Crime"
Kassidy Murphy
Junior (6-8) Group Documentary   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
31619 Rolla, MO, Rolla Junior High School, Cynthia Felts
Mary Mueller
Janiece Mulia

Conflict From Within: Malcolm X v. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Daniel Galarza
Nabeel Chowdhury
21622 Hannibal, MO, Hannibal Middle School, Terry Trullinger

From the Supreme Court to America's Hometown: The Conflict, Compromise, and Triumph of School Desegregation through the Eyes of a Hannibal High Pirate
Raylynn Charlton
Melanie Blase
Gabbie Wiley
11617 Clayton, MO, Wydown Middle School, Janet Baldwin

An Evolving Conflict With No Compromise In Sight
Benjamin Goldsmith
Zachary Praiss
Junior (6-8) Web Site (Individual and Group)   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
31717 Kansas City, MO, Barstow School, Sarah Knopik

Murderous Conflict and a Partial Compromise in Osage Nation
Lindley Round
21710 Diamond, MO, Diamond Middle School, Heather Asbell

Conflict and Compromise: The World Near Nuclear War
Spencer Lowden
Jeremy Robbins
Micah Alford
11707 Ballwin, MO, Holy Infant School, Robert Stevens

Japanese-American Internment in WW II
Katrina Hauser
Senior (9-12) Paper (Individual only)   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
32012 Springfield, MO, Central High School, Ken Elkins

The Jay Treaty
Joshua Windsor
22013 Carthage, MO, Carthage High School, Caroline Tubbs

"I Dissent:" The Supreme Court and Japanese American Internment
Christian Johns
12018 Warrensburg, MO, Warrensburg High School, Matthew Bax

The Rise and Fall of the Oath of Loyalty: Conflict and Compromise in Missouri During the Civil War Era
Henry Shull
Senior (9-12) Individual Exhibit   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
32103 St Louis, MO, Westminster Christian Academy, Bob Vass

Monkey Business
Olivia Atkinson
22113 Kirkwood, MO, Kirkwood High School, Stephen Platte

The Struggle for Citizenship
Gabriela Fonseca
12115 Rolla, MO, Rolla Junior High School, Cynthia Felts
Mary Mueller

The U-2 Incident
Adam Davis
Senior (9-12) Group Exhibit   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
32208 Springfield, MO, Central High School, Molly Gray

The Rise and Fall of Al-Andalus
Matt Prince
Emily Robinson
Christian Shade
22202 Carthage, MO, Carthage High School, Caroline Tubbs

James Milton Turner: Overcoming Conflict to Promote Compromise for His People
Silvina Roman
Justine Leiser
12213 Rolla, MO, Rolla Junior High School, Cynthia Felts
Mary Mueller

Conflict and Compromise: Christianity and World War II
Erica Westenberg
Laura Daily
Andrea Rolufs
Senior (9-12) Individual Performance   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
32312 Kirkwood, MO, Kirkwood High School, Stephen Platte

What did they ever do?
Kate Baue
22302 St Louis, MO, Westminster Christian Academy, Bob Vass

A Battle Within the Brotherhood: M.L. King vs. Malcolm X
Christian Davis
12308 Columbia, MO, Rock Bridge High School, Marilyn Toalson

Spirit of Liberty: Benjamin Franklin and Slavery
Chris Ghan
Senior (9-12) Group Performance   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
32408 St Louis, MO, Westminster Christian Academy, Bob Vass

The Man Who Sank the Slave Ships
Lucy Egan
Grace Johnson
22410 Risco, MO, Risco R-2 Schools, Michael Murphy
Casey Lewis
Melanie Tipton

"'The Broken Pane of Glass': Conflict and Compromise in the Women's Movement"
Ashley Moore
Anna Godbey
12411 St Louis, MO, Westminster Christian Academy, Bob Vass

Newsboys Strike of 1899
Ashley Segrave
Mallory Alpert
Senior (9-12) Individual Documentary   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
32506 Risco, MO, Risco R-2 Schools, Michael Murphy
Casey Lewis
Melanie Tipton

"444: A Campaign of Terror"
Krystle Wright
22507 Waynesville, MO, Waynesville High School, Kelly Tillott

The Building of Ft. Leonard Wood: Conflict and Compromise of Eminent Domain
Amanda Williams
12503 Risco, MO, Risco R-2 Schools, Michael Murphy
Casey Lewis
Melanie Tipton

"Great People Do Not Always Do Great Things"
Kelsey Murphy
Senior (9-12) Group Documentary   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
32617 St Louis, MO, Westminster Christian Academy, Bob Vass

The Glorious Revolution
Sarah Fleming
Emily Sherman
22612 Kansas City, MO, St Teresa's Academy, Karen Johnson

The One Child Policy: The Conflict of the Cultural Revolution that Lead to a National Compromise
Ellie Hart
Allison Pericich
Jessica Ann
12623 St Louis, MO, Westminster Christian Academy, Bob Vass

the Conflicts and Compromises of the Constitution
Nick Arnold
Jacob Dahl
Senior (9-12) Web Site (Individual and Group)   [back to top]
 Entry # City, State, School, Teacher(s)
Entry Title
32708 Liberty, MO, Liberty Junior High School, Penny Holm

Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
Amelia Jester
22709 Clayton, MO, Clayton High School, Joshua Meyers

Nixon's 1972 Visit to China: Compromise Across a 23-Year Ocean of Conflict
Chi Zeng
12710 Kansas City, MO, Rockhurst High School, Chris Elmore

Apollo-Soyuz Test Projects: The End of the Space Race
Daniel Lappin